Recent Successes

Below are some recent FPC successes thanks to our amazing members & generous donors who power the work. If you would like to Join the FPC Grassroots Army and help us add more wins to this list, sign up at!

  • June 22, 2024: Joy Reid and Mark Stern have a meltdown and give a glowing endorsement of FPC on MSNBC over the fact that Justice Clarence Thomas cited our work in his Cargill opinion striking down Trump’s Bump Stock Ban. 
  • June 15, 2024: Slate publishes an article explaining to the world the effectiveness of our organization and the impact it has on destroying gun control.
  • March 20, 2024: The Trace promotes our gear shop and social media in an attempt to paint us as an evil head on the hydra of the ‘gun lobby.
    • On the FPC website, you can purchase a coalition-branded ‘Abolish the ATF’ T-shirt, or if you prefer, one that declares, ‘Stack Up or Fuck Off,’ a frequent coalition riposte on social media.
  • August 29, 2023: Our official response to the vote California held on Newsom’s 28th Amendment received positive coverage.