Recent Successes
Below are some recent FPC successes thanks to our amazing members & generous donors who power the work. If you would like to Join the FPC Grassroots Army and help us add more wins to this list, sign up at!
- January 30, 2025: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Reese v. ATF that the federal government’s handgun ban for adults aged 18 to 20 years old is unconstitutional.
- January 15, 2025: The Federal Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit reaffirmed its prior opinion in FPC’s Lara v. Paris lawsuit, again striking down Pennsylvania’s laws preventing 18-to-20-year-old adults from openly carrying a loaded firearm outside of the home during a declared state of emergency.
- November 8, 2024: Federal District Court Judge Stephen P. McGlynn ruled in the FPC Law case of Harrel v. Raoul that the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA), which bans semi-automatic firearms and their magazines, is unconstitutional.
- November 1 , 2024: Charges were dropped against an FPC member following an FPC-backed defense against the charges that included an affirmative attack on Savannah, Georgia’s gun control ordinance. In the case, the government had been criminally prosecuting him for violating the city’s gun storage ordinance despite Georgia’s firearm preemption law that makes the city’s ordinance invalid.
- October 10, 2024: The United States District Court for the Western District of New York granted partial summary judgment in favor of the plaintiffs in FPC’s Christian v. James lawsuit, permanently enjoining the state’s law banning guns on all publicly-open private property without express consent of the owner, and denied the state’s request for a stay of that decision.
- October 2, 2024: Federal District Court Judge Iain D. Johnston denied the defendants' motion for stay pending appeal in Schoenthal v. Raoul, which challenges Illinois’ ban on carrying firearms on public transportation and in public transportation facilities.
- September 6, 2024: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision partially upholding FPC’s previously secured preliminary injunction against California’s Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) ban on firearm carry in public in FPC’s Carralero v. Bonta lawsuit.
- August 30, 2024: Federal District Court Judge Iain D. Johnston declared the State of Illinois’ ban on carrying firearms on public transportation and in public transportation facilities unconstitutional as applied to the named plaintiffs in the FPC-supported lawsuit Schoenthal v. Raoul.
- August 22, 2024: The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals denied Minnesota’s petition for en banc (full court) review in FPC’s Worth v. Jacobson lawsuit, leaving in place a unanimous decision that the state’s age-based carry ban is unconstitutional.
- August 15, 2024: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an order reversing the previously issued stay in FPC’s Nguyen v. Bonta lawsuit, which challenges California’s “one-gun-per-month” gun ban law. With the stay reversed, the final judgment and injunction FPC secured at the district court is now in effect, which prevents the state from enforcing its “1-in-30” ban unless and until further order from the Court.
- August 8, 2024: Slate writes an article explaining what a “Fudd” is and tries to “own it” as a good thing because of the internet stir we help whip up about Tim Walz being an absolute Fudd.
- August 2, 2024: United States District Court Judge George L. Russell, III issued a decision declaring Maryland’s bans on firearm carry in locations selling alcohol, private buildings or property without the owner’s consent, and within 1,000 feet of public demonstrations unconstitutional in its federal Second Amendment lawsuit Novotny v. Moore.
- July 30. 2024: In FPC’s Cheeseman v. Platkin lawsuit, Judge Sheridan held that the “AR-15 Provision of [New Jersey’s] Assault Firearms Law is unconstitutional under Bruen and Heller as to the Colt AR-15 for use of self-defense within the home.”
- July 25. 2024: Multiple Pennsylvania laws requiring permits to open carry were declared unconstitutional as a result of FPC’s Suarez v. Paris lawsuit.
July 17, 2024: It was reported that Janet Mills reports FPC to the State Police for our “Fuck you. No.” tweet in response to an interview where she hinted at wanting an “Assault Weapon” Ban in Maine.
- In response, we sent her a letter that sent the message wildly supported by the community.
- July 16. 2024: FPC announced a major victory at the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in Worth v. Jacobson, its federal Second Amendment challenge to Minnesota’s ban on carry for 18–to–20–year–olds, where the court unanimously affirmed a decision that the State’s ban is unconstitutional.
- July 11. 2024: FPC announced a decisive victory out of the District Court of New Jersey in its federal Second Amendment lawsuit challenging the state’s ‘justifiable need’ carry ban, Francisco v. Cooke. The Court approved a consent order stating that the provision violated the Second and Fourteenth Amendments and that the defendants in the case are responsible for the plaintiffs’ attorney’s fees and costs.
- June 22, 2024: Joy Reid and Mark Stern have a meltdown and give a glowing endorsement of FPC on MSNBC over the fact that Justice Clarence Thomas cited our work in his Cargill opinion striking down Trump’s Bump Stock Ban.
- June 21, 2024: While we disagree with the Court’s holding and dispute federal authority to enforce this regulation, we are encouraged that the Court confirmed the textual and historical analysis required under its Heller and Bruen decisions. Justice Thomas adopted our arguments in his dissent of the United States v. Rahimi.
- June 15, 2024: Slate publishes an article explaining to the world the effectiveness of our organization and the impact it has on destroying gun control.
- June 14, 2024: FPC and FPCAF applauded the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Garland v. Cargill, a case challenging the federal government’s unlawful ban on ‘bump-stock’ devices. Both organizations filed amicus briefs in this case.
- June 13, 2024: United States District Court Judge Reed O’Connor granted summary judgment in favor of FPC and its co-plaintiffs and issued a final judgment and order vacating the ATF’s rule in FPC’s Mock v. Garland lawsuit.
- June 12, 2023: Gavin Newsom calls us Merchants of Death and “California’s leading pro-gun group” in response to our “Fuck you. No.” tweet directed at his 28th Amendment proposal.
- April 25, 2024: FPC announced a victory in Lara v. Evanchick following Federal District Court Judge William S. Stickman’s order enjoining the Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner from enforcing the Commonwealth’s laws that ban 18-to-20-year-old adults from carrying a firearm outside of the home for self-defense.
- April 15, 2024: The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled against the State in a Friday decision, maintaining the injunction against gun control Measure 114. As a result, the State cannot enforce the unconstitutional laws enacted under the measure while the appeal is pending, in FPC’s Arnold v. Kotek lawsuit.
- April 12, 2024: FPC Grassroots Army again rallies for the annual David Hogg Birthday Fundraiser to Fight Gun Control.
- April 10, 2024: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an injunction pending appeal FPC v. San Diego, which challenges a California law that targets only pro-Second Amendment advocates with potentially ruinous consequences for litigating gun rights cases. The injunction prevents the defendants from enforcing the scheme during the pendency of the appeal.
- March 21, 2024: Sitting Congressman Maxwell Frost thought it was a good idea to get into a meme war with FPC on X/Twitter over his proposed anti-rights legislation.
March 20, 2024: The Trace promotes our gear shop and social media in an attempt to paint us as an evil head on the hydra of the ‘gun lobby.
- On the FPC website, you can purchase a coalition-branded ‘Abolish the ATF’ T-shirt, or if you prefer, one that declares, ‘Stack Up or Fuck Off,’ a frequent coalition riposte on social media.
- March 11, 2024: The District Court for the Southern District of California struck down the state’s ban on purchasing more than one handgun or semiautomatic, centerfire rifle in a 30-day period as a result of FPC’s Nguyen v. Bonta lawsuit.
- February 29, 2024: In FPC’s Linton v. Bonta lawsuit, the District Court for the Northern District of California ruled against the state’s laws and policies that prevent peaceable people from exercising their Second Amendment protected rights that were fully restored after their non-violent felony convictions in other states were vacated and nullified.
- February 29, 2024: Former Congressional Candidate and gun control zealot Nate McMurray challenges FPC to a duel on X/Twitter and the internet lit on fire.
- February 12, 2024: The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower court decision that dismissed FPC’s Baughcum v. Jackson lawsuit against Georgia’s young adult handgun carry ban, saying that the case should have proceeded to the merits instead.
- February 10, 2024: Meta and USA Today fact-check a meme (Twitter did too) mocking a Joe Biden “just how we drew it up” Super Bowl tweet with the image of Waco burning in the background, replacing the image his team originally posted.
- January 18, 2024: The Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Lara v. Evanchick struck down Pennsylvania’s laws that prevent 18-to-20-year-old adults from carrying a loaded firearm outside of the home for self-defense.
- December 20, 2023: Federal District Judge Cormac J. Carney issued a preliminary injunction in its Carralero v. Bonta lawsuit, blocking enforcement of California’s newest ban on firearm carry.
- November 14, 2023: Judge John Milton Younge of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania granted summary judgment for the plaintiff in Williams v. Garland, which challenged the federal Gun Control Act’s lifetime ban on the exercise of Second Amendment rights due to a single misdemeanor conviction for a crime that did not involve violence, physical harm, or a firearm.
- November 9, 2023: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in FPC’s favor, holding that portions of ATF’s “frame or receiver” rule are unlawful in VanDerStok v. Garland.
- October 19, 2023: Judge Roger T. Benitez of the Southern District of California issued an opinion in Miller v. Bonta, once again holding that California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.
- September 29, 2023: United States District Court Judge George L. Russell, III issued a preliminary injunction in FPC’s lawsuit Novotny v. Moore against Maryland’s ban on firearm carry in locations selling alcohol, private buildings or property without the owner’s consent, and within 1,000 feet of a public demonstration.
- September 13, 2023: In FPC’s lawsuit, Fort v. Grisham, United States District Court Judge David Urias issued a temporary restraining order against New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s executive order banning firearm carry in Bernalillo County and Albuquerque.
- August 29, 2023: Our official response to the vote California held on Newsom’s 28th Amendment received positive coverage.
- August 10, 2023: In 2022, Patrick Daniels was convicted in federal court for possessing a firearm while being an “unlawful user” of marijuana, a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3). Because of that conviction, he was forever banned from possessing firearms, a fundamental right protected by the Second Amendment. A Fifth Circuit panel held that ban unconstitutional as applied to Mr. Daniels. FPC and FPCAF filed an amicus brief in this case, urging the result that the court reached.
- August 1, 2023: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Mock v. Garland, finding that FPC and FPCAF are likely to win on the merits of their lawsuit challenging ATF’s pistol brace rule.
- June 30, 2023: Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and FPC Action Foundation (FPCAF) announced that a federal judge has granted summary judgment for the plaintiffs in VanDerStok v. Garland, vacating the ATF’s “frame or receiver” rule and preventing the federal government from enforcing it.
- June 24, 2023: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the federal government’s attempt to completely stay the district court’s decision in VanDerStok v. Garland, which vacated ATF’s unlawful “frame or receiver” rule.
- June 6, 2023: The Third Circuit struck down federal prohibited persons ban as applied to Range. FPC and FPCAF filed amicus briefs in this case at both the 3-judge and en banc panel stages, and FPCAF’s Director of Constitutional Studies, Joseph Greenlee, argued the case as an amicus curiae before the 3-judge panel.
- June 6, 2023: United States District Judge Roger Benitez has approved a $556,957.66 stipulation for attorneys’ fees stemming from its Miller v. Bonta (Miller II) lawsuit that successfully challenged the fee-shifting provision in California SB 1327, which was enacted as retribution for Texas’s SB 8 abortion law in order to suppress legitimate challenges to firearms regulations.
- May 26, 2023: The Fifth Circuit issued an Order clarifying that the Injunction Pending Appeal in Mock v. Garland applies to FPC’s members, Maxim Defense’s customers, and the individual plaintiffs’ resident family members.
- May 23, 2023: The Fifth Circuit issued an Order granting an Injunction Pending Appeal in Mock v. Garland, FPC and FPC Action Foundation’s federal lawsuit challenging the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF’s) recent rule reclassifying braced pistols as National Firearms Act (NFA)-regulated short-barreled rifles.
- May 18, 2023: FPC announced that Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo vetoed AB354 and AB355, which would have restricted residents’ ability to self-manufacture firearms and banned young adults from possessing common rifles and shotguns. In doing so, Lombardo cited rulings in FPC’s Rigby v. Jennings and Jones v. Bonta cases as reasons for the vetoes.
- May 16, 2023: FPC announced the successful acquisition of a preliminary injunction against multiple aspects of the New Jersey gun control law passed to severely restrict the ability of those with carry permits from actually being able to carry in public in its Koons v. Platkin lawsuit.
- April 28. 2023: FPC announced the granting of a preliminary injunction in its lawsuit Harrel v. Raoul, challenging the Illinois “Protect Illinois Communities Act” (“PICA”). In the opinion, United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois Judge Stephen P. McGlynn ruled that PICA’s ban on commonly owned semi automatic firearms, and the magazines they utilize, likely violate the Second Amendment and should therefore be enjoined.
- April 12, 2023: FPC Grassroots Army rallies for the now-annual David Hogg Birthday Fundraiser to Fight Gun Control
- March 31, 2023: United States District Court for the District of Minnesota Judge Katherine Menedez ruled in FPC’s Worth v. Harrington lawsuit that Minnesota’s requirement that individuals be at least 21 years of age to be eligible for a carry permit violated Plaintiffs’ rights, and enjoined the state from further enforcement of the practice.
- January 9, 2023: FPC announced the successful acquisition of a Temporary Restraining Order against multiple aspects of New Jersey’s new gun control regime in its Koons v. Reynolds lawsuit.
- December 20, 2022: Texas asked the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to withdraw the state’s appeal of the district court order that struck down its ban on handgun carry by young adults in FPC’s Andrews v. McCraw lawsuit.
- December 19, 2022: In FPC’s Miller v. Bonta (Miller II lawsuit, United States District Judge Roger Benitez issued an order enjoining the fee-shifting provision in California SB 1327, which was enacted as retribution for Texas’s SB 8 abortion law in order to suppress legitimate challenges to firearms regulations.
- December 6, 2022: United States District Judge Karin Immergut adopted FPC's position regarding the implementation challenges of Oregon Measure 114’s “permit-to-purchase” law and the state's associated admission that the system would not be ready in time - and stayed its enforcement for 30 days in FPC’s Fitz v. Rosenblum lawsuit.
- December 2, 2022: United States District Judge Roger Benitez issued an order in FPC’s lawsuit Miller v. Bonta (Miller II), determining that it can continue with its lawsuit challenging the provisions in California SB 1327 designed to suppress legitimate challenges to firearms regulations.
- November 28, 2022: United States District Judge John Sinatra, Jr. issued a preliminary injunction against New York’s law banning guns on all private property without express consent in FPC’s Christian v. Nigrelli lawsuit.
- November 3, 2022: In FPC’s lawsuit, Hardaway v. Bruen, United States District Judge John Sinatra, Jr. issued a preliminary injunction against New York’s ban on guns in “any place of worship or religious observation.”
- October 24, 2022: Because of New York’s defeat in NYSRPA v. Bruen, New York City’s subsequent elimination of the city’s “proper cause” requirement, and the acquisition of unrestricted carry permits by all individual plaintiffs, the parties in its Greco v. NYC litigation filed a stipulation to dismiss the case as moot.
- October 20, 2022: United States District Judge John Sinatra, Jr. issued a temporary restraining order against New York’s ban on guns in “any place of worship or religious observation” in FPC’s Hardaway v. Bruen lawsuit.
- October 14, 2022: San Diego Superior Court Judge Katherine Bacal issued a preliminary injunction in FPC’s Barba v. Bonta lawsuit challenging California Assembly Bill 173, which requires the state’s Department of Justice to share the personal identifying information of millions of gun and ammunition owners with other parties for non-law-enforcement purposes.
- October 3, 2022: A federal judge expanded the preliminary injunction in FPC's lawsuit, VanDerStok v. Garland, challenging the ATF’s “frame or receiver” rule. In addition to the injunction issued in September, the expanded injunction adds protection for the individual plaintiffs and plaintiff Tactical Machining’s customers.
- September 23, 2022: United States District Judge Maryellen Noreika issued an order enjoining Delaware’s bans on self-manufacturing and possession of home-built firearms in FPC’s Rigby v. Jennings lawsuit.
- September 2, 2022: FPC secured a partial victory in the form of a partial and limited injunction in its VanDerStok v. Garland lawsuit challenging the ATF’s rule that would create new terms and enact a slew of regulations for the agency to enforce.
- August 25, 2022: A federal judge struck down Texas’ ban on handgun carry by young adults in FPC’s Andrews v. McCraw lawsuit.
- August 12, 2022: The Sixth Circuit sent FPC’s Oakland Tactical v. Howell case back to the district court to be re-heard in light of Bruen.
- August 10, 2022: The Court granted FPC’s petition for writ of mandamus and ordered the DOJ to stop enforcing the delay policy and practice. The Court’s judgment reiterates that the DOJ must allow for delivery of firearms after the conclusion of the 10-day waiting period unless it has identified one of the three bases for delay or already determined that the purchaser is ineligible as a result of FPC’s Campos v. Bonta lawsuit.
- June 30, 2022: The Supreme Court granted, vacated, and remanded FPC’s Bianchi v. Frosh lawsuit, which challenges Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons.” The case will now return to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals “for further consideration in light of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen.”
- June 23, 2022: The Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect the right to carry firearms in public. FPC filed an amicus brief in the case New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen.
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