K-12 Speech Guide

  • In our K-12 Speech Guide, we encourage learning about our uniquely American Constitution and your individual rights, provide relevant information and legal background, answer some of the most common questions, and include some useful tools (like sample letters) to help students and parents exercise their First Amendment rights to defend and promote the fundamental, individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. 

California Ammo Law Comparison

  • Comparison of Proposition 63 (2016), Senate Bill 1235 (2016), and then-chaptered/published law.

California Magazine Law Comparison

  • Comparison of Proposition 63 (2016), Senate Bill 1446 (2016), and then-chaptered/published law.

Santa Clara County, CA CCW Scandal Tracker

  • Database tracking the court cases related to the carry permit bribery scandal in Santa Clara County, California.

Public Records & Research

Below are links to some FPC/FPF research and records requests.

Police Shooting of Duncan Lemp

  • Public Records Request
  • 2020-4-17: Firearms Policy Coalition has received an email with a denial of the records request. The reason given for the denial was that the documents relate to an ongoing investigation.
  • 2020-3-23: Firearms Policy Coalition has filed a formal request with the Montgomery County Police Records Division for copies of all public records and information that relates to the police shooting of Duncan Socrates Lemp that took place on or about Thursday, March 12, 2020.

Mulford Act Files

FPF FOIA Request to ATF regarding "bumpstocks"

Carlsbad (NM) Schools

Will Riley, a former Carlsbad High School student in New Mexico, alleged he was bullied and threatened by the school's principal while organizing a May 2 pro-Second Amendment student walkout. In response to this situation, Firearms Policy Coalition and Firearms Policy Foundation initiated a Public Records Act request for documents to shed light on the school's policies, procedures, and practices as they pertain to student speech, expressive conduct, and disciplinary procedures, as well as information on topics such as the Second Amendment, free speech, gun control and other related concerns. 

Records from Government Agencies re: Code Is Free Speech / Defense Distributed

Summary: Request for records sent to various government officials and agencies relating to Code Is Free Speech / CodeIsFreeSpeech.com, Defense Distributed, etc.

Records from California Dept. of Justice regarding firearm serial numbers




Policy Brief: Black swans, shark attacks, and mass shootings: incredibly rare circumstances that should not drive public policy.

Mass shootings understandably garner a huge amount of media attention. The thought of human life cut short, for no reason and largely without warning, is a natural source of anxiety.  These events are increasingly sparking debate on whether to expand government restrictions on arms and related conduct in the United States.  This question is a very serious one, as laws restricting firearm ownership and the like necessarily infringe the fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms.  Sound public policy demands a proper understanding of our legal system, our rights, and a dispassionate examination of evidence rather than a fixation with a specific type of tragedy. One piece of vital evidence absent from the broader ‘gun debate’ is the actual risk posed by mass shootings. 

Policy Memo: Regarding the Document Entitled: “Idea for New Unlicensed-Commercial-Sale Background Checks”

On September 18, 2019, a purported “idea sheet” being circulated among Republican senators and congressmen was leaked to the media. The document, entitled “Idea for New Unlicensed-Commercial-Sale Background Checks”, is both frighteningly vague and callous in its disregard for the Second and Fourth Amendments, as well as the federalist principles that animate the Commerce Clause.  FPC strongly opposes these suggested gun control measures, "Universal Background Checks” (UBCs), and firearm/gun owner registration.

Policy Brief: "Universal Background Checks" & Burdening Access to Human Rights

The so-called "Universal Background Check" (UBC) system would require that individuals submit to federal oversight for purely private, intrastate transfers of firearms. The two primary justifications that some use in promoting the passage of UBC legislation are: 1) closing the “gun show loophole” -- i.e., private sales -- and 2) preventing incredibly rare mass murderers from obtaining firearms. The UBC legislation currently being proposed addresses neither of these issues; less than 1% of firearms used for criminal activity were acquired at gun shows, and nearly all mass shooters passed background checks. Not only are "Universal Background Checks" ineffective, they punish ordinary people by preventing otherwise lawful transfers with family, friends, and employees. Read our policy brief to learn more about these laws and how they work.

Policy Brief: Red Flag Laws

“Red flag laws” are “emergency” orders that gives certain persons or law enforcement the ability to petition the court for the ability to force “temporary” relinquishment of firearms from “dangerous” individuals.  These laws are also referred to as “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” and “Gun Violence Restraining Orders” (these laws collectively will be further referred to as “red flag laws”). These laws vary from state to state, but the general laws themselves have a similar intent. Read our policy brief to learn more about these laws and how they work.

Policy Memo: Violence Against Women Re-authorization Act

Passage of VAWRA in its current form will result in the denial of due process by depriving Americans of a hearing before losing their rights and property. It will provide for the unconstitutional federalization of state resources, dramatically expanding the federal government’s reach into matters traditionally controlled by the states. And, crucially, it will permanently deprive people of their fundamental human right to keep and bear arms on the basis of nonviolent misdemeanors. For these reasons, VAWRA is not only flawed, but dangerous and unconstitutional. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) thus opposes VAWRA.

Policy Memo: TAPS Act

The TAPS Act is potentially disastrous for those intent on exercising their right to keep and bear arms, and assuredly catastrophic for the privacy rights reserved to the People under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) thus opposes TAPS Act.


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