K-12 Schools, Free Speech, And The Fundamental, Individual Right To Keep And Bear Arms: A Guide to How Students Can Use Their First Amendment Rights to Defend and Promote Second Amendment Rights
Created and published by Firearms Policy Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition
Read our News Release about the Guide here
Recently, students and schools across the country have been organizing and participating in “walkouts” and other political demonstrations to advocate for more and stricter gun control laws. But many students do not wish to participate in those events or engage in such speech at all, preferring to focus on their education while at school. And many others disagree with these anti-gun rights viewpoints -- and may even want to organize and participate in speech and demonstrations that support pro-Second Amendment views. Thus, we endeavored to create and publish a Guide to speech and expression at kindergarten through 12th Grade schools that students and parents can use to help them plan out how to peacefully and lawfully engage in important issues in a manner consistent with their respective viewpoints.
In this new Guide, we encourage learning about our uniquely American Constitution and your individual rights, provide relevant information and legal background, answer some of the most common questions, and include some useful tools (like sample letters) to help students and parents exercise their First Amendment rights to defend and promote the fundamental, individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
More, we also have resources like the Legal Action Hotline (e-mail or call 1-855-252-4510) to help students and parents report possible civil rights violations -- and help us file lawsuits to protect and defend these courageous pro-gun students and their rights!
If you find this Guide valuable and wish to help us get it into the hands of as many students and parents as possible -- and be ready sue on their behalf if necessary -- we respectfully ask that you consider supporting K-12 Speech and Legal Action Programs with a tax-deductible donation to Firearms Policy Foundation TODAY using the secure form below. Your donations go directly to the front lines: legal action and lawsuits, research, education, and our efforts to protect and defend pro-gun students, free speech, and the rights enshrined in our Constitution.
Firearms Policy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) grassroots, non-partisan, nonprofit public benefit organization that advocates for individual liberties and sound public policy through charitable activities and programs including research, education, and legal action. To join or make a contribution to FPF, visit firearmsfoundation.org/donate. (Donations to FPF are generally fully tax-deductible.)
Firearms Policy Coalition is a 501(c)(4) grassroots, non-partisan, nonprofit public benefit organization that advocates for individual liberties and important constitutional rights, sound public policy, and related issues through legal action, direct and grassroots advocacy, research, education, outreach, and other programs. To join or contribute to FPC, visit www.firearmspolicy.org/join. (Due to various federal and state government rules, donations to FPC are generally not tax-deductible.)
FPF and FPC have a common mission: To defend the Constitution of the United States, to advocate for the rights of the People, and to promote freedom and individual liberty. Both organizations actively support pro-speech and pro-gun rights legal action, including by funding and filing lawsuits, directly participating in litigation, and maintaining a Hotline for reporting possible civil rights violations.
K-12 Schools, Free Speech, And The Fundamental, Individual Right To Keep And Bear Arms: A Guide to How Students Can Use Their First Amendment Rights to Defend and Promote Second Amendment Rights is Copyright © 2018 Firearms Policy Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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