WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 8, 2021) — Today, President Biden confirmed his intention to nominate former ATF special agent and Giffords gun control extremist David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (i.e., “ATF,” which President Biden ignorantly and repeatedly called “AFT” during today’s press conference). FPC not only opposes Mr. Chipman, but condemns in the strongest terms this dangerous and abhorrent nomination.
David Chipman, whom President Biden seeks to empower in order to continue his long train of abuses going back to the Waco, Texas murders committed by agents of the federal government, has led a career marked by outright lies, opportunism, and a brazen willingness, if not outright desire, to assault the natural rights of the American people.
Throughout his career, Chipman has displayed an insatiable obsession with destroying the human right to keep and bear effective arms. At the same time, he has also made it clear that he lacks an even elementary understanding of both existing gun control, as well as firearms themselves. For example, in an “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit, Chipman had the following to say:
- When asked “As a former ATF Special agent, what is the point of 922(r)? Also is this even enforceable by the ATF and to whom…” Chipman replied “That's a great question I have absolutely no idea. I didn't have occasion to be involved in an import case such as this.”
- When asked “How do you feel about the ATFs role in reducing gun violence when they funneled guns to Mexican drug cartels?” Chipman admitted that “Fast and Furious was an epic failure. At ATF we did not allow arsonists to burn buildings and we should have never allowed guns to walk as a strategy…”
- “While at ATF I conducted studies involving people who failed background checks to determine how many later committed crimes with a gun—many did. This is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact.”
- “At Waco, cult members used 2 .50 caliber Barretts to shoot down two Texas Air National Guard helicopters,” — a statement that is completely false.
FPC fiercely opposes both Chipman’s nomination and the Biden Administration’s ongoing siege on the Second Amendment and will continue to fight for the fundamental rights of the People of the United States, including through efforts to end Chipman’s nomination, grassroots activism, and direct legal action.
Individuals who wish to fight and oppose President Biden's proposed Executive Orders can go to BidenGunFight.com and join the FPC Grassroots Army for just $25 at JoinFPC.org.
Firearms Policy Coalition and its FPC Law team are the nation’s next-generation advocates leading the Second Amendment litigation and research space. Some FPC legal actions include:
- United States Supreme Court petitions for certiorari in Folajtar v. Attorney General and Holloway v. Attorney General (pending)
- Challenge to Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Bianchi v. Frosh)
- Challenge to California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Miller v. Calif. Att’y General)
- Challenge to Maryland’s ban on handgun carry (Call v. Jones)
- Challenge to New Jersey’s ban on handgun carry (Bennett v. Davis)
- Challenge to New York City’s ban on handgun carry (Greco v. New York City)
- Challenge to Pennsylvania’s ban on handgun carry by adults under 21 (Lara v. Evanchick)
- Challenge to California’s handgun “roster”, microstamping, and self-manufacturing ban laws (Renna v. Becerra)
- Challenge to the federal ban on the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition to adults under 21 years of age (Reese v. ATF)
For more on these cases and other legal action initiatives, visit FPCLegal.org and follow FPC on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.
Firearms Policy Coalition (www.firearmspolicy.org) is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend constitutional rights—especially the right to keep and bear arms—advance individual liberty, and restore freedom through litigation and legal action, legislative and regulatory action, education, outreach, grassroots activism, and other programs. FPC Law is the nation’s largest public interest legal team focused on Second Amendment and adjacent fundamental rights including freedom of speech and due process, conducting litigation, research, scholarly publications, and amicus briefing, among other efforts.
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