The anti-gunners are on the move again...
Via Washington Times:
Gun control activists acknowledge they’re going to have to play defense in Washington against a government dominated by Republicans, but they insisted Wednesday that the politics of the issue are moving in their direction nationally.
Despite going all-in during last year’s presidential election and seeing their candidate lose to the fervidly pro-gun President Trump, the activists rallying at the Capitol said they believe they can stop the National Rifle Association’s chief goal of national reciprocity for concealed-carry permits.
"We’ve clearly got Congress thinking twice — even starting to get a little scared of us,” said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Activists touted a surge of phone calls made by their side to members of Congress as evidence of a growing movement. And lawmakers pointed to specific races last year where guns were an issue.
Sen. Chris Murphy, Connecticut Democrat, pointed to the change in New Hampshire, where six years ago he said the U.S. Senate race was a battle for the NRA’s endorsement.
“Because of the movement that you have all built, just six years later two candidates for Senate in New Hampshire, one of them being the incumbent, were trying to outflank each other to the left to show that they were better on gun violence,” Mr. Murphy said. “The politics have changed. The movement is bigger and stronger now than ever.”
The activists were joined by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was gravely wounded by a deranged shooter at a constituent event in Arizona in January 2011.
Mrs. Giffords’ group, Americans for Responsible Solutions, is teaming up with the Brady Campaign to host an all-day strategy session on Thursday in Washington to figure out how to slow down groups like the NRA.
Read more here.
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