More support for Giffords' gun control agenda...
Via Washington Post:
A group of law enforcement leaders and gun control activists led by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly are launching a lobbying effort Tuesday to oppose Congressional bills which would decrease federal regulation of silencers and nationalize concealed carry permitting. The coalition argues that the bills would make law enforcement less safe.
In a memo expected to be sent to the White House, Capitol Hill and activists during National Police Week, the Law Enforcement Coalition for Common Sense details its opposition to two Congressional bills and renews a call to close loopholes in the background check system.
“[Congress] needs to reject irresponsible calls to mandate the unrestricted concealed carry of firearms and allow free access to dangerous silencers, which present a new menacing threat to our communities and law enforcement professionals,” the memo says. “It is clear that guns in dangerous hands make law enforcement officers more vulnerable.”
The coalition of active and retired police chiefs, sheriffs and federal agents was put together by Americans for Responsible Solutions, the organization founded by Giffords, a victim of gun violence, and Kelly. Prince George’s County Chief Hank Stawinski and former D.C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey serve on the 20-person advisory committee which leads the coalition. Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole and Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez are also on the committee.
Read more here.
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