Via Townhall
California’s new gun confiscation program is a total disaster. The new law, which went into effect In January, aims to keep firearms out of the hands of potentially dangerous people, like domestic abusers and those afflicted with mental illness. No one wants wife beaters (and the unstable) to own guns, but the way the new law is being implemented sure feeds into the narrative that liberals, especially rabid anti-gunners, want to take away people’s firearms. A local Eyewitness Newsoutfit looked into the matter and found serious problems
For starters, Eyewitness News noted that it’s state law for mental health facilities to report involuntarily committed persons to the Department of Justice; 22 facilities were left off the DOJ’s list.
Again, it’s well intentioned, but let’s also not kid ourselves that this isn’t exactly what liberals want to do on a mass scale. They’re on the record saying so. This law was meant to somewhat accommodate what’s already federal law, but it’s being used to harass and deny law-abiding Americans of their Second Amendment rights. This is a liberal policy, drafted by liberal lawmakers, from a deep-blue state–the detrimental consequences of which were bound to happen. After all, would you trust a lawmaker crafting gun policy who believes there are “multi-automatic weapons”? I don’t.
Read more here.
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