The New Jersey Legislature is at it again.
Thanks to our friends at New Jersey Second Amendment Society, we have been given the scoop that the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is going to take up three anti-gun bills tomorrow.
And we need your help in order to stop them!
The three bills are:
A3934, which will mandate microstamping on ALL new handguns sold in New Jersey. Microstamping is a non-existent technology. In states where it has been mandated, like California, there are only a few older model handguns available for sale and no new models can be added.
A2938, which disregards due process and allows the state to seize firearms if a therapist deems you are unfit.
And A1119, which bans retailers from selling toy guns that are black, blue, silver or aluminum.
We need you to get active and into the fight now!
Sign the petition against these bills.
And then call Governor Christie and ask that he VETO any anti-gun bill that gets to his desk at 609-292-6000.
The future of the Second Amendment in New Jersey depends on it.
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