A glimpse into Bloomberg's next attack on the Second Amendment. 

Via Politico: 

Preparing for life with Donald Trump as president and Republican majorities in Congress, Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group is threatening to spend more than $25 million in 2018 races.

Everytown for Gun Safety, founded and funded by the billionaire former New York City mayor, is hiring several new top staffers and turning much of its attention to state legislatures, while moving to a defensive posture in Washington as it tries to stop what’s known as “concealed carry reciprocity” from becoming law. That will include starting to score congressional votes, like the National Rifle Association does, to guide spending decisions more directly.

That measure would effectively loosen gun laws significantly by holding gun owners to the laws of their own state when carrying their weapons in other states, no matter how different the laws are in, for example, Texas versus New York.

A bill to legalize concealed carry reciprocity was introduced last month with the strong support of the NRA, and Trump said during his campaign that he supported it.

Everytown is brandishing its significant spending in the 2016 New Hampshire Senate race that former Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte lost narrowly — the group targeted her for voting against background checks in 2013 — as a warning to other senators up in 2018 and possibly 2020 as well.

“This is a line in the sand on this issue, there’s no question about it. The NRA wants to normalize carrying guns in public. It’s not where the American public is,” said Everytown President John Feinblatt. “We’re putting people on notice today that we’re watching … and that we expect to hold people accountable.”

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