URGENT: Tell Congress that the lives of our kids and teachers are at least as important as politicians, judges, and celebrities!
- Bill: S 2495
- Author: Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
- Position: OPPOSED
- FPC Legislative Alert 3/9/2018
1. Send a message to Congress using our Grassroots Action form below.
2. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to connect with your reps - tell them to oppose S 2495!
3. Share this page and Take Action message with your friends and family!
Instead of implementing real security, S 2495 would:
- Mandate anonymous reporting systems, "including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and internet websites," that government can IGNORE and FAIL to follow up on like they did in Parkland, Florida -- and that anti-gun people and groups could abuse to "SWAT" law-abiding gun owners and their families.
- Create new subgrants that could be used to fund gun control initiatives with taxpayer dollars.
Additionally, there is talk that FixNICS will be included in S 2495. Use FPC's Grassroots Action tools below to tell Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that you OPPOSE S 2495!