URGENT: Republicans Conspiring With Democrats To Institute Searchable, National Electronic Gun Registry

In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic Republicans have conspired with Democrats to infringe on the rights of all gun owners. 

H.R. 6006 introduced by Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) is labeled as the “Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act of 2020” and already has two REPUBLICAN co-sponsors, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) and Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ).

The companion bill, S. 3348 is sponsored by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), ranking member on the powerful U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations. 

All of these measures would implement separate parts of an electronic, universal gun registration scheme -- which has been a goal of the gun ban movement for decades. And now two Republicans are assisting them in this effort. 

What would H.R. 6006/S. 3348 do?

  • Makes information you enter on ATF Form 4473 searchable via computer
  • Does an "end run" around the current federal ban on compiling a "searchable" gun registry
  • Makes any Form 4473 hard copy information the ATF has, or will acquire electronically searchable
  • Enables the federal government to access and search gun owner information from state and local governments
  • Advances the gun banner end goal of implementing a registry of all gun owners and each firearm you've purchased
  • Will make it more feasible for H.R. 5917 and S. 3299 (info below) to be immediately usable when passed, as all of the records would then be eligible to be electronically searchable

After implementing H.R. 6006/S. 3348, the second phase for the anti-gun groups would then be passing H.R. 5917/S. 3299, which would do the following:

  • Repeals what is commonly referred to as the "Tiahrt Amendment"
  • Eliminates the mandate that your information be destroyed/deleted after the FBI's National Instant Check System (NICS) approves your gun background check
  • Makes you and gun dealers more easily targeted, doxxed, and sued by billionaire-funded gun ban groups
  • Repeals the limitations on mandatory audits of firearms retailers 
  • Makes it easier to gain your personal firearm information via yearly audit, or via NICS

Here's what these measures won't do:

  • Does not implement any security procedures or safety measures to protect privacy
  • Does not require a warrant or court order to search for, or attain your personal information and data
  • Does not prevent your 4473 information from firearms you've already purchased from being included in the new database
  • Will not protect any of your information
  • Will not protect you or gun shops you patronize from lawsuits or from being doxxed

These bills were introduced within a few days of each other after congress had briefings on the Coronavirus and are nothing short of an attempt to usurp the Second and Fourth Amendments via legislative incrementalism. 

Anti-Second Amendment crusaders have been attempting to implement a national gun registry for decades with the obvious end goal of banning and confiscating all privately-owned guns. This legislation is nothing short of Orwellian and is an obvious rights infringing disaster waiting to happen.

In order to fully protect and secure the Second Amendment, we must stand up for other enumerated rights like the Fourth Amendment right to privacy.

Help the FPC team in OPPOSING this infringement on the rights of all American gun owners.

We need you to ACT NOW and join FPC in OPPOSING this cynical attack on your rights today. We must send a strong message NOW that we know what they’re up to with this legislation, and that it’s unacceptable.  

Using our form below:

  1. Send a message to Congress and let them know you oppose H.R. 6006/S. 3348 and H.R. 5917/S. 3299.
  2. Let Congress know that these bills are a violation of YOUR constitutionally protected rights!
  3. Urge Congress to oppose H.R. 6006/S. 3348 and H.R. 5917/S. 3299 and similar infringements on the rights and liberties of the people.