URGENT: Tell Congress that the lives of our kids and teachers are at least as important as politicians, judges, and celebrities!
- Bill: H.R.4909
- Author: Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL)
- Position: OPPOSED
- FPC Legislative Alert 3/9/18
1. Send a message to Congress using our Grassroots Action form below.
2. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to connect with your reps - tell them to oppose H.R.4909!
3. Share this page and Take Action message with your friends and family!
Instead of implementing real security, H.R.4909 would:
- Eliminate funding for "the placement and use of metal detectors and other deterrent measures, at schools and on school grounds" and make schools less safe by eliminating funding for real, effective security measures to keep killers OUT of schools in the first place!
- Mandate anonymous reporting systems, "including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and internet websites," that government can IGNORE and FAIL to follow up on like they did in Parkland, Florida -- and that anti-gun people and groups could abuse to "SWAT" law-abiding gun owners and their families.
- Create new subgrants that could be used to fund gun control initiatives with taxpayer dollars.
Additionally, there is talk that Fix NICS will be included in H.R. 4909. Use FPC's Grassroots Action tools below to tell House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy that you OPPOSE H.R.4909!