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CA AB 61 would radically and dangerously expand California’s Gun Violence Restraining Order (“GVRO”) scheme to allow an employer, a coworker, or an employee of a secondary or postsecondary school that the person has attended in the last six months to file a petition for an ex parte, one-year, or renewed gun violence restraining order.

Assembly member Ting seeks to add to the list of lay persons, acquaintances, and strangers authorized to petition for a “gun violence restraining order” against a person in secret, without warning, without a professional opinion or evaluation, and without any or sufficient due process using unconstitutionally vague terms like “employer” and “coworker”— terms the statutes leaves un-defined and unbounded, thus making even a remote “coworker” eligible to “file a petition requesting that the court issue an ex parte gun violence restraining order enjoining the subject of the petition from having in his or her custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition.”

AB 61 is, once more, revealing of its authors’ complete lack of regard for the civil rights of California’s law-abiding, gun-owning residents. Just as we said about AB 2888 a few months ago, this bill may sound like a Cold-War era memoir of living behind the Iron Curtain, but it isn’t. Sadly, this is the State of California, year 2018. Perhaps they are becoming the same thing.

Tell the the Governor to VETO AB 61 by sending him an email today!