
  • Another attempt to have gun control shoehorned into a COVID-19 stimulus package is imminent. 
  • Our grassroots army helped stop the previous bi-partisan Congressional assault on our rights under cover of the pandemic hysteria.
  • The previous amendment attempt now has support from 24 State Attorneys General. 
  • We need to stop it from happening again on the next stimulus package.

Position: Strongly Opposed

Sponsor(s): Congress and 24 Attorneys General

Summary: Last failed effort of Democrats and Republicans colluding together to insert gun control is being bolstered by 24 Attorneys General to do the following:

  • Reauthorize the deceptively-named "Violence Against Women Act" (VAWA), a massively-problematic gun control initiative
  • Manufacture a whole new class of victims by depriving Americans of a hearing before losing their Second Amendment rights and property
  • Provide for the unconstitutional federalization of state resources, dramatically expanding the federal government’s reach into matters traditionally controlled by the states

The VAWA proposal was a MASSIVE bi-partisan assault on your fundamental rights. Please use our Take Action form below to contact Congress. Tell them you won't stand for another attempt of these treasonous politicians to sneak gun control into the next stimulus!

Read more about VAWA and this attack on your rights:

  1. FPC Policy Memo Previously Sent to all House and Senate Sponsors: Link
  2. Letter House members sent to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, Republican Leader McCarthy, and Minority Leader Schumer: Link
  3. Letter Senate members sent to Senate leadership: Link
  4. UPDATE: 5-04-20 Letter from 24 Attorneys General to House and Senate Leadership: Link
  5. UPDATE: 5-11-20 FPC VAWA Policy Memo response to the 24 Attorneys General: Link

Using the form below, tell Congress that we *STILL* reject attempts to suppress our civil rights!