Bill/Issue: NV AB 291 - Gun Control Omnibus Bill

  • Position: Opposed
  • Author: Asm. Juaregui (D-41)

Summary: AB 291 is an obvious shot across the bow against the Second Amendment.

AB 291 makes it a class D felony to manufacture, sell, or possess any device that increases the rate of fire of a semi-automatic firearm. Even more dangerous than that, AB 291 removes local preemption to allow local agencies to institute a patchwork of gun control. This will allow Washoe County/Reno and Clark County/Las Vegas to pass gun ban laws, like California has done, while still preventing Second Amendment friendly counties from freeing your right to bear arms.

Almost any time a bill packs multiple issues into its text it’s a clear indicator that it will be infringing on your rights. AB 291 is no different, and, in fact, is a monster of a bill. It will only further the Californication of Nevada gun rights and eliminate much of the Second Amendment in the state.

Update: AB 291 signed into law.