Sound advice.
Via Lifezette:
As an immigrant from Europe, Fabio is in a unique position to share some advice with American citizens. His first bit of advice is blunt: "Just look at Europe and go the opposite way. It's as simple as that." He added, "Europe already jumped off the cliff. They are doomed."
His second bit of advice is not something one often expects to hear from a celebrity. "Don't you ever give up your guns," he said. "If people lose that right, forget about it. Politicians — they will take everything away from you. And then what are you going to do, protest with a rock? Because that's what they do in Europe."
He said one major difference between America and Europe is the right of good people to be armed against tyranny and criminals who "are always going to have every single weapon available to them."
He added, "The day you give up your weapon in the United States, the United States is going to be history."
Read more here.
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