December 5th, 2016 was swearing-in day in Sacramento for California’s legislators, but there’s one familiar face who won’t be among those taking the oath of office.

We at FPC were just heartbroken to hear that Sen. Isadore Hall (D-Compton) lost his bid for Congress. Since he had chosen to run for that office instead of for re-election to his Senate seat, he has now joined the ranks of California’s unemployed.

Sen. Hall had the honor of being named one of the “Four Horsemen of Gunpocalypse” because of his leading role in orchestrating the unprecedented assault on civil rights.

He also, along with Sen. Evan Low, had the audacity to publicly shame lobbyists for FPC and other gun rights organizations, blaming them for the terror attack in Orlando.

As part of his two-minute tirade, he said:

…They come up to this dais and defend the senseless acts of terror that’s happening domestically, their dirty, filthy mouths that needs to be washed with soap.

These heartless people, that care not about individuals or keeping people safe on our streets, but care mostly about holding a weapon in their hand….

I’m not ashamed to stand up and tell these crazy, vicious, heartless individuals that come to this dais and say that this won’t impact — I’m not ashamed to stand up and say they need to wash their mouths.

Hall also wasn’t ashamed to use campaign funds to pay for things such as luxury suites at concerts, limousines, and concert tickets, and stays at resorts in Pebble Beach, Maui, and Ojai. He claimed they were “strategy sessions” with consultants, fundraisers, or meetings with potential donors and that he had to “raise and spend money to introduce himself to those he hasn’t represented in the past.”

Life is sure to have fewer bells and whistles for the former Senator now that the voters have seen through his charade and sent him home. While his replacement isn’t pro-gun, let’s hope he carries himself with a little bit more decorum.