"Guns don't belong in schools," she says. Neither do mass shooters, but bad people don't follow the rules.
Via Guns.com:
Gov. Gina Raimondo on Wednesday signed an executive action to bar firearms, except those carried by law enforcement, from public PK-12 schools. The action, backed up by a notice given to all schools by Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Ken Wagner, was done to improve the state’s already strict gun laws, according to a release to Raimondo’s office. The order came amid reported “uncertainty among education leaders” and a “lack of consistent practice” among the state’s various school districts.
“It’s our job to protect kids and their teachers,” Wagner said. “Inconsistencies among laws, regulations, and local policies and practices create confusion, producing the exact kind of unsafe environment the law is intended to prevent. As we start a new school year, this directive provides clarity, until such time that the underlying laws are reconciled.”
Rhode Island’s current firearm laws prohibit gun possession on public school property but make an exception for concealed carry permit holders, police and those specifically appointed to be armed on campus. This has been a bone of contention with gun control advocates in the state who have campaigned to close what they have termed a loophole in state law...
In her announcement, Raimondo claimed this week that “Even Mississippi bans non-law enforcement officials from carrying guns onto school grounds,” which is factually incorrect.
Read more here.
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