Send a message to the 25 Attorneys General using the contact form below!
Issue: Attorneys General attempt to censor the sharing of 3D print files
- Position: Strong Oppose
- Author: Bob Ferguson, Washington State Attorney General
- 25 Attorneys General sent this letter to Sec. State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Attorney General William Barr, demanding the take down of the Defense Distributed website.
- FPC's Legal team sent a letter to those 25 Attorneys General, as well as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Attorney General William Barr, rejecting the logic of the 25 infringement-happy AGs: here
- We believe these files are First Amendment Protected Speech and we’re working on that in our lawsuit against NJ AG Gurbir Grewal, who unsurprisingly signed on to the above letter.
- It's important (and hilarious) to consider the Streisand Effect on attempts to suppress or censor information, often having the opposite result.
- Download the files and read some Frequently Asked Questions about 3D printing here.
Tell these smug Attorneys General that you reject their proposed infringement and that they should check the First Amendment.