It seems like our friends at San Diego County Gun Owners “triggered” the anti-gunners by including *gasp* a gun on a campaign mailer…

Via ABC10:

A handful of Chula Vista voters are questioning the appropriateness of a campaign flyer that arrived in the mail this week.

“Why would you put this on a paper and send it to homes?” asked Chula Vista voter Griselda Delgado. “I was shocked initially.”

One side of the flyer features a man taking aim with a handgun at a gun range. The other side looks through the scope of a gun at a target. Both sides of the flyer endorse Jason Paguio and Mike Diaz for Chula Vista City Council.

“When you see the barrel of an M-16 and you’re shooting and targeting, that concept, that feeling, if you’ve shot and you’ve targeted, you’ve practiced, the intent is to kill,” said Delgado, who is a military veteran.

Delgado is now a mom, teacher, and sits on the Southwestern College Governing Board.

“What is the message to our children? That’s what I want to know,” she added.

“It’s to show law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutional rights at a range,” said San Diego County Gun Owners Executive Director Michael Schwartz.

Read more here.