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AB 3026 extends the definition of "good cause" to include self-defense and defense of others. 

While the measure seeks to address some parts of the statutes that separate law-abiding people from their rights, it does not (in its current form) address key areas of law that form the basis of the most common civil rights abuses by California licensing authorities (i.e., sheriffs and municipal police chiefs).

Thus, AB 3026 would leave California’s laws in an unconstitutional “may-issue” condition.

We would be delighted to support AB 3026 should it be amended as we suggest so that people are not treated unfairly or unequally and that all law-abiding people without a firearms disability can access a manner of exercising their fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms in public.

Tell your legislator that AB 3026 must be amended by sending them an email today: