Summary: Federal Second Amendment constitutional challenge to Nevada's ban on self-built firearms, precursor parts
Plaintiffs: Roger Palmer, Chad Moxley, and Firearms Policy Coalition
Defendants: Nevada Governor Joseph Lombardo, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford, Nevada Department of Public Safety Director George Togliatti, Nevada Department of Public Safety Administrator of Records, Communications, and Compliance Erica Sousa
Litigation Counsel: David O'Mara and Raymond DiGuiseppe
Docket: D. NV case no. 3:21-cv-00268, Ninth Circuit case no. 22-15645 | CourtListener Docket
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Key Events & Filings:
District Court
- 2024-10-7: Findings of Fact
- 2024-8-21: Defendants’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on Limited Remand
- 2024-8-21: Plainitffs’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on Limited Remand
Circuit Court
- 2023-5-26: Order
- 2023-5-15: 28(j) Letter
- 2023-5-12: 28(j) Letter
- 2023-5-9: Oral Arguments
- 2023-5-2: Order
- 2023-2-10: Appellants' Reply Brief
- 2023-1-6: Answering Brief
- 2022-10-7: Appellants' Opening Brief
District Court
- 2022-4-28: Notice of Appeal
- 2022-3-30: Judgment
- 2022-3-29: Order
- 2021-8-27: Order Dismissing Clark and Douglas County Defendants
- 2021-8-23: State Defendants’ Reply to Plaintiffs’ Opposition to State Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss
- 2021-8-9: Plaintiffs’ Opposition to State Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss, Exhibit
- 2021-8-9: Douglas County Defendants' Motion to Dismiss
- 2021-7-26: Order Denying Motion for Preliminary Injunction
- 2021-7-13: Joint Status Report
- 2021-7-9: Plaintiff’s Reply in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction; Declaration of Joseph G.S. Greenlee; Declaration of Joseph Ostini
- 2021-7-8: Defendant Steven Wolfson's Answer to Plaintiffs' Complaint
- 2021-7-8: Defendant Joseph Lombardo's Answer to Plaintiffs' Complaint
- 2021-7-6: State Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss
- 2021-7-2: Response to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction
- 2021-7-2: State Defendants’ Response to Motion for Preliminary Injunction
- 2021-6-30: Defendant Steven Wolfson's Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction
- 2021-6-28: Response to Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Defendant Joseph Lombardo
- 2021-6-22: MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Chief Judge Miranda M. Du on 6/22/2021. By Deputy Clerk: Peggie Vannozzi. The hearing on Plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction (ECF No. 6 ) is set for 7/16/2021 at 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom 5 before Chief Judge Miranda M. Du. To the extent the parties request to present evidence at the hearing on Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction (ECF No. 6 ), the parties are directed to coordinate exhibits and witnesses and file a status report with the Court no later than 7 days prior to the hearing.
- 2021-6-18: Motion for Expedited Briefing Schedule
- 2021-6-18: Motion for Preliminary Injunction; Combs Declaration; Moxley Declaration; Palmer Declaration
- 2021-6-10: Complaint
Related News Releases:
- 2024-8-23: FPC Files Brief in Lawsuit Over Nevada’s Ban on Personally Manufactured Firearms
- 2022-10-10: FPC Files Opening Brief in Lawsuit Challenging Nevada’s Expansive Ban on Self-Built Firearms, Parts
- 2021-6-18: FPC Files Motion for Injunction in Lawsuit Challenging AB 286, Nevada’s Expansive Ban on Self-Built Firearms, Parts
- 2021-6-10: FPC Files 2A Challenge to Nevada’s New Ban on Self-Built Firearms, Precursor Parts
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