Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims (D- District 182) has introduced House Bill 393 for consideration. This bill would require a background check in order to purchase ammunition. Additionally, the bill would also only allow licensed firearm dealers to sell ammunition. In short, Rep. Sims wants the government to intrude just a little bit more into your way of life.
While Rep. Sims admits that this bill is a longshot, the fact that he even introduced such a bill shows the willingness he and other elected officials in the Keystone State have to press ahead with their gun control priorities. This should come as no shock since Rep. Sims filmed himself bullying peaceful protestors for fun during a lawful gathering. So much for First Amendment rights too. He appears to be gleefully trampling through the U.S. Constitution one amendment at a time.
To prevent this bill from becoming law, please reach out to your state officials TODAY by sending them an email using FPC's tool that connects you to your specific state legislators. FPC has made this easy by creating a pre-written email for you that you are encouraged to edit and personalize prior to sending. Make sure you notify friends, co-workers and family about this disaster of a bill so that members of the state legislature get the message loud and clear!