It seems that Californians escaping to Nevada because of the burdensome taxes of their home state have brought with them some dangerous policies about guns and the need for these essential tools to be restricted. This anti-gun rhetoric apparently has finally infected Nevada’s state legislature. Currently making its way through the state legislature is AB 291.

Contrary to what Californicated state politicians believe, AB 291 is a dangerous bill that will implement a statewide ban on rate of fire increasing devices and will also allow local governments to institute a patchwork of dangerous gun free zones. This means that people in anti-gun counties, like Washoe (Reno) and Clark (Las Vegas), will see California-esque restrictions on their right to bear arms.

AB 291 has already passed through the Assembly by a majority vote (28Yea:13Nay) and is now heading for the State Senate. Nevada’s State Senate is a ratio of 13:8 Democrats to Republicans. Recent voting evidence show that these Democrat Senators often vote as a block in favor of gun control. Meaning that if pro-Second Amendment Nevadans don’t act now and stop/flip one of these Senators then there’s a high possibility the fight is over and AB 291 passes through Senate.

If Nevada is to keep its right to bear arms then all Pro-freedom, pro-Second Amendment, Nevadans must fight to stop AB 291 in the Senate. They must make their voices heard and Take Action Today.

Take Action Today to Stop AB291