Summary: Federal 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 Second and Fourteenth Amendment lawsuit challenging the State of Georgia's laws criminalizing carry outside the home, Cherokee County's closure of Georgia Weapons Carry License program
Plaintiffs: Lisa Walters; Second Amendment Foundation; Firearms Policy Coalition
Defendants: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp; Georgia Public Safety Commissioner Gary Vowell; Cherokee County; Cherokee County Probate Judge Keith Wood
Litigation Counsel: John Monroe; Raymond DiGuiseppe; FPC Director of Legal Strategy Adam Kraut; Erik Jaffe, Schaerr | Jaffe (appellate)
Docket: N.D. GA case no. 1:20-cv-01624 | CourtListener Docket
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Key Events & Filings
- 2020-6-1: Notice of Dismissal
- 2020-5-18: Cherokee County Notice of Dismissal
- 2020-5-14: Governor Motion to Dismiss
- 2020-5-14: Cherokee County and Judge Wood Second Motion to Dismiss
- 2020-5-7: Order Denying Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal
- 2020-5-5: Order Denying MPI
- 2020-4-29: Plaintiffs' Post-Hearing Brief in Support of MPI
- 2020-4-29: County of Cherokee Defendants' Post-Hearing Brief in Opposition to MPI and in Support of their MTD
- 2020-4-29: State Defendants' Supplemental Brief in Opposition to MPI
- 2020-4-28: Defendants Cherokee County and Judge Wood's Joint Brief in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Evidence ISO MPI
- 2020-4-28: Transcript of MPI Hearing
- 2020-4-27: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a transcript of the hearing by videoconference on Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction held before the undersigned on April 27, 2020 be prepared for the Court’s consideration and for public reference. The cost of said transcript shall be divided equally between the parties. IT IS SO ORDERED, this 27th day of April, 2020. s/Steve C. Jones UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE
- 2020-4-27: Hearing held via videoconference. Counsel for Plaintiffs verbally WITHDREW the Motion for TRO [2-1]; hearing proceeded as to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Oral argument heard. Plaintiffs' Exhibits 1-16 admitted over objections(exhibits previously filed at doc. [30].) The Court granted Defendants leave to file any objections regarding the filing of Plaintiffs' exhibits by 1:00 PM on 4/28/2020. Counsel for Plaintiffs may also file a statement. All parties were directed to file any post-hearing briefs (no longer than 25 pages) by 5:00 PM on 4/29/2020. The matter was taken under advisement by the Court, with order to follow. MINUTES
- 2020-4-27: Hearing
- 2020-4-26: Notice of Filing Exhibits; Exhibits
- 2020-4-24: NOTICE OF VIDEO PROCEEDING re: Plaintiffs' MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order. Motion Hearing set for 4/27/2020 at 10:30 AM before Judge Steve C. Jones. This proceeding will be locked to new participants at 10:40 AM. Connection Instructions: Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 617 8877 Password: 663229. You must follow the instructions of the Court for remote proceedings available here. Photographing, recording, or broadcasting of any judicial proceedings, including proceedings held by video teleconferencing or telephone conferencing, is strictly and absolutely prohibited. (pdw) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
- 2020-4-24: Defendant Cherokee County, GA's Motion to Dismiss
- 2020-4-24: Defendant Wood's Motion to Dismiss
- 2020-4-24: County Defendants' Opposition to TRO/MPI
- 2020-4-24: State Defendants' Opposition to TRO/MPI
- 2020-4-21: ORDER: The Court will hold an evidentiary hearing on Monday, April 27, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. via videoconference. Counsel will receive an email from the Court with an invitation to the meeting and instructions on how to join the videoconference. Plaintiffs shall also serve a copy of the Complaint, Motion, and this Order on the Attorney General of the State of Georgia in his capacity as the chief law enforcement officer and lawyer for the state. Defendants are ORDERED to file any response briefs to Plaintiffs' Motion no later than Friday, April 24, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. The Court also asks that the parties file any exhibits to the docket using CM/ECF's "Notice" function before Monday's hearing. Any exhibits should be marked and numbered before filing. Signed by Judge Steve C. Jones on 4/21/2020. (rjs)
- 2020-4-16: Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction (Incl. Memorandum of Points and Authorities, Declarations, and Exhibits in Support)
- 2020-4-16: Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
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