In other words, the push for tyrannical gun control dies here.
Via The Washington Times:
Only 28 percent of young adults ages 18-29 say they are “absolutely certain” of voting in the 2018 midterm elections, according to a new survey.
On the other hand, the Public Religion Research Institute (PPRI) and The Atlantic also found that 74 percent of seniors said they are “absolutely certain” about voting in the midterm elections, in what the survey-takers described as a “massive” generational gap in voting intent.
Overall, half of Americans are “absolutely certain” about voting in the midterm elections, which is about the same compared to the 2014 midterm elections.
According to the poll, young adults are less likely than seniors to be consistent voters, in line with the historic trend, as only 15 percent of young adults say that they consistently vote.
Read more here.
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