Do you know who your Sheriff is?
Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones was duly elected by our community to keep our families safe and to enforce the law.
But to Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, your voice doesn’t matter.
McCarty doesn’t like that Sheriff Jones honors the Second Amendment in his CCW issuance policies, so, he is attempting to go around Sacramento County voters and create new laws to keep Sheriff Jones from “handing out CCW permits like candy on Halloween.”
Assemblyman McCarty has sponsored two bills which would allow anti-gun sheriffs to charge additional FEES on top of the hundreds of dollars you already pay to get and retain your CCW permit.
AB 450 allows sheriffs to charge “reasonable costs” to issue and enforce the license, but doesn’t define what a reasonable cost is, clearing the way for anti-gun sheriffs to consider the exercising of a constitutional right as a profit center.
McCarty’s AB 466 would hold CCW applicants to a higher – and subjective – standard of “good cause,” thereby giving anti-gun sheriffs the power to issue CCW’s by TYRANNICAL FIAT.
These laws would create a caste system of haves and have-nots in California as CCW permits become so expensive that many will be priced out of renewing them and few people would be able to prove they are “in harm’s way” more than the “mainstream public.”
It’s no secret that the end result McCarty is hoping for is fewer CCW permits. When asked about that possibility, he told the Sacramento Bee:
“I don’t view that as a bad result. We put the public at risk with some of these issuances.”
He believes that you should have to prove that you “truly deserve” to exercise your rights, and only if you are in “imminent harm.”
And though there may be fewer CCW permits due to the additional burdens these bills create, some people may elect to simply not comply and carry a gun anyway – and there would be no background check, training, or FBI monitoring of those people.
Before McCarty’s power grab, county sheriffs like Sheriff Jones, who were elected by their constituents, had the authority to issue CCW’s based on what they viewed as good cause.
Under Sheriff Jones’s sensible policies, the number of CCW holders in Sacramento County has grown from a few hundred to nearly 8,000.
By sponsoring these bills, Kevin McCarty is attempting to appoint himself sheriff so he can force anti-gun policies like those of the sheriffs in San Francisco and Los Angeles onto you in the Sacramento area!
Sign this petition to stand with Sheriff Jones against Kevin McCarty’s power grab.
Then call Assemblyman McCarty 916-319-2007 and tell him you support background checks, training, and Sheriff Jones’ policies and to keep his hands off your pants!
If you’re on Twitter, let him know how you feel – tweet @kmccartyad7 and use #HandsOffMyPants.
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