You're not going to believe what they consider a rapid fire gun. And that's not enough for them. They are banning even more.
Via the Seattle Times:
Australia’s tough gun controls will be further tightened to restrict access to new rapid-fire shotguns, the prime minister said Wednesday.
But a pro-gun independent senator warned Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that the move will add to the government’s difficulty in getting legislation through the Senate.
Turnbull was commenting on the fate of the Adler A110 shotgun, a Turkish-manufactured lever-action weapon that was banned from importation last year as an Australian gun dealer was taking orders to sell hundreds.
The Adler can fire eight shots as fast as pump-action shot guns, which are a highly restricted category of rapid-fire gun under national regulations designed to limit the risk of mass shootings.
Currently, lever-action guns have been listed in the least restrictive gun category since firearm laws were overhauled 20 years ago in response to a lone gunman killing 35 people in Tasmania state.
Gun-control advocates see that as a legal loophole that became widely known only through the advertising surrounding the Adler.
Turnbull told Parliament that the Adler ban would remain until state governments agreed on how such shotguns should be reclassified.
“We are not prepared to see those guns imported into Australia under the current classification which they have,” Turnbull said.
Read more here.
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