SACRAMENTO, CA (October 15, 2017) — Today, California Governor Jerry Brown announced his signature on the cost-increasing anti-gun Assembly Bill 1525 (AB 1525). The measure will require licensed gun dealers to place additional new signage in their stores that duplicates many of the signs already required to be posted. 

AB 1525 was authored by Republican Assembly member Catharine Baker (R-Dublin) and sponsored by the gun control group Brady Campaign.

“It is ridiculous that the California Republican Party, which purports to be pro-freedom and pro-business, would stand for such a cheap political trick on the backs of small family businesses and law-abiding gun owners,” said FPC Grassroots Director Richard Thomson. “If anti-gun Catharine Baker is a Republican, then there really aren’t 2 parties anymore.”

“The only thing the Baker/Brady Act will accomplish is to further burden California’s remaining gun dealers and increase costs to gun buyers,” Thomson continued.

In a letter to Governor Brown urging a veto of this bill, FPC lobbyist Craig DeLuz said that bills like AB 1525 have “cost the Legislature respect and likely the very validation and compliance it seeks” and that the “measure is simply a problem is search of more problems.”

“This bill, like the federal gun control bill H.R.3999 that we oppose, shows what happens when voters let Republicans move away from their principles and party,” explained Thomson. “They start acting like progressive Democrats to stay in office rather than doing the job they were sent to do.”

This is the second firearms-related anti-business bill that Brown has addressed this signing period. Friday, Brown vetoed Senate Bill 464, a bill that would have “crushed licensed firearms retailers and increased costs for law-abiding gun owners.”

“Governor Brown had an opportunity to show that the Legislature can’t just pass whatever silly thing it wants,” Thomson said. “But the only bullet train that seems to be working in California is the Legislature’s anti-Constitution policy mill and Governor Brown’s rubber stamp.”

FPC is urging people to help oppose the House Republican-sponsored gun control bill H.R.3999 by sending Congress a letter at

Firearms Policy Coalition ( is a 501(c)4 grassroots nonprofit organization. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially the fundamental, individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.