A not so shocking statistic...
Via the Pew Research Center:
The issue of gun policy returned to the political front burner following the Oct. 1 mass shooting in Las Vegas. And in the week after the attack, partisan differences were on full display in how elected officials responded on Facebook: Among Democratic members of Congress who posted about the attack, 63% mentioned guns, compared with only 2% of congressional Republicans, according to a Pew Research Center analysis.
Republicans also were somewhat less likely than Democrats to post about the attack in general: 66% of GOP members with Facebook pages did so between the day of the attack and Oct. 9, compared with 84% of Democrats. (Oct. 9 was chosen as the cutoff date to gauge lawmakers’ early reactions to the shooting.)
Of the 181 posts about Las Vegas that discussed guns, 98% were posted by Democratic lawmakers and 96% advocated stricter gun policies. Because Democrats favoring stricter gun policies were most likely to mention guns overall, only 1% of all posts – two posts total – were against such policies.
Read more here.
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