There's a man who plans to introduce a version of the smartgun which would require gun owners to have a microchip implanted into their hand in order to use their weapon.
Via NBC News:
Gareth Glaser could be seen as an optimist. After all, he believes gun owners will pay more to implement strong safety mechanisms in firearms.
He even believes gun owners might be willing to have chips implanted in their hands.
The implanted microchip would send a signal to a "smart gun" held in that person's hand allowing for the trigger to operate, Glaser, CEO of Lodestar Firearms, told NBC10.
The implant is only one of a few ideas to improve the safety of guns. Glaser said a ring or watch could also be used as signal-bearers — if worn, a handgun could be fired.
It's called "token recognition technology": The technology keeps a gun from firing unless the "token" is within inches of the trigger. Glaser believes it's the gun of the future.
Read more here.
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