Our rights are God given and guaranteed by the Constitution. And the anti-gunners can get over it.
Via The National Review:
Whenever a gun tragedy happens in the United States, it seems like there are two sides: One that argues against Second Amendment protections, and one that argues for them. It seems simple enough, but what’s missing is this: The Second Amendment is the argument.
Whenever there’s violence, the Left starts to demand that the government get the guns off our streets and that it do so now. In response, the Right often argues for the benefits of #2A, throwing out statistics such as the fact that gun violence has actually been dropping, or philosophical arguments such as the idea that people looking to murder masses of people will find a weapon and a way regardless of what the laws are.My personal views may happen to fall into the second camp, but here’s the thing: Regardless of what your personal views are, it’s still true that our Constitution prohibits the kinds of things that the first group wants.
Read more here.
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