“The Department of Justice has grossly exceeded their authority and is illegally imposing its will on thousands of California gun owners,” said Raymond DiGuiseppe, a former California deputy attorney general among those representing the Second Amendment advocates. “Their regulations and actions undermine the rule of law and put potentially hundreds of thousands of people at risk for serious criminal liability.”

Via Guns.com

A group of individuals and Second Amendment groups are asking the courts to step in and block the state’s pending new regulations on “bullet-buttons” and assault weapons.

In an amended complaint to a suit filed in state Superior Court, four gun owners– George Holt, Irvin Hoff, Michael Louie, and Rick Russel– contend many the firearms they have legally owned or built are now subject to new retroactive mandates from an out-of-control California Department of Justice that is flexible with the enforcement of new laws passed in 2016.

Joining the lawsuit is a National Guard soldier, Sgt. Craig Stevens, who has a homemade rifle that now requires a serial number under state law, which he is unable to get because he is deployed overseas. Though Stevens tried to submit the information to regulators before he deployed, he was advised the state is not currently providing serial numbers yet.

Read more here.