It is now Judgement Day for the Second Amendment in California.
The Legislature just breezed through Gunpocalypse just as we told you they would.
The Legislators were more concerned about heading off to their taxpayer-funded summer break than actually having a meaningful debate on the consequences of eviscerating the Second Amendment.
The shit has literally hit the fan.
We have hours left to urge Governor Brown to veto these bills.
He is scheduled to leave the state in 48 hours and, if he doesn’t act NOW, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom will take over as acting Governor
We both know how that will turn out.
Get active NOW! Urge the Governor to veto the following bills:
SB 880 (Hall): Bans common and constitutionally protected firearms that have magazine locking devices.
SB 894 (Jackson): Re-victimizes victims by criminalizing the failure to report lost and stolen firearms.
SB 1235 (de Leon): Now competes with Gavin Newsom’s Safety for All Act/Ammo Ban.
SB 1446 (Hancock): Confiscation of lawfully acquired, standard capacity ammunition feeding devices.
AB 857 (Cooper): Forced “Ghost Gun” registration.
AB 1135 (Levine): Bans common and constitutionally protected firearms that have magazine locking devices.
AB 1511 (Santiago): Bans the loaning of firearms.
AB 1673 (Gipson): Redefines “firearms” to include items that are not firearms.
AB 1674 (Santiago): Bans buying more than one firearm within a 30-day period.
AB 1695 (Bonta): Makes some non-violent misdemeanors punishable by prohibitions on owning firearms.
AB 2607 (Ting): Dramatically expands who can request a Gun Violence Restraining order.
This is a full blown WAR.
Sign the petition and call the Governor at 916-445-2841 to urge him to VETO Gunpocalypse
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