Free speech is freedom!

Via Fox News:

Amid the row over the release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns, a coalition of gun rights activists has posted plans for 3D-printed weapons online, citing the First Amendment.

A federal judge on Tuesday stopped the release of blueprints to make untraceable and undetectable 3D-printed plastic guns. President Donald Trump also questioned whether his administration should have agreed to allow the plans to be posted online.  

Austin, Texas-based Defense Distributed, a non-profit defense firm, was behind the plans. In June Defense Distributed reached a settlement with the federal government allowing it to make the plans for the guns available for download on Wednesday.

However, the restraining order from U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik in Seattle puts that plan on hold for now. "There is a possibility of irreparable harm because of the way these guns can be made," he said.

Nonetheless, plans for a number weapons have appeared on, which describes itself as “a publicly-available website for truthful, non-misleading, non-commercial speech and information that is protected under the United States Constitution.”

“The purpose of this project is to allow people to share knowledge and empower them to exercise their fundamental, individual rights,” it added. 

The Firearms Policy Coalition, Firearms Policy Foundation, the Calguns Foundation and the California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees are involved in the project, according to the website. “A number of individuals who are passionate about the Constitution and individual liberties,” are also involved, it says.

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