In a shocking move, Governor Andrew Cuomo has vetoed A.5667-A, a bill that would dramatically reformed the laws on knives in New York.

The current statutes are so murky and unclear that the New York City Police Department has interpreted it to mean an effective ban on almost all knives.

Thousands of people have been prosecuted for basic folding knives that can be bought in any hardware or sporting goods store. And most of those arrested have come from minority and low income backgrounds.

This legislation was passed by a 136-1 majority in the New York State Assembly and a 61-1 majority in the New York State Senate.

It was supported by a broad coalition of groups including the AFL-CIO, the NAACP, the New York Times, Knife Rights, and FPC.

Governor Cuomo vetoed it anyway, citing concerns over a recent rise in knife attacks in New York City.

Why he didn’t consider the fact that current NY law leaves victims defenseless to these attacks is unknown to us.

Unfortunately, the insanity remains in New York.

Minority and low-income residents in New York City still face harassment, arrest, and prosecution for the simple crime of owning a common knife.