A pro-2A victory in the courts!
Via Cleveland.com:
The Ohio Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to take up Cleveland's appeal of a decision that struck down a gun offender registry and several gun ordinances approved in 2015.
The decision lets stand an April 2017 ruling by the Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals. That ruling held as invalid a package of ordinances proposed by Mayor Frank Jackson and passed by City Council in the wake of a flurry of gun violence in 2014 and 2015.
Jackson on Wednesday expressed disappointment that the Supreme Court would not hear the case.
"I disagree with the Ohio Supreme Court's decision not to hear the city of Cleveland's appeal to uphold its own gun laws," Jackson said in a statement. "The laws the city proposed and that were enacted by our City Council are reasonable and do not conflict with any state gun regulations."
Read more here.
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