No person that participates in terrorism should be allowed to acquire or possess firearms.
However, if a person is free enough to walk our streets, they should not be denied fundamental human rights due to their potentially erroneous presence on secret government lists.
HR 5611, authored by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, is the antithesis to the above.
It allows government bureaucrats in a distant office complex to deny the fundamental rights of an individual because their name ended up on a secret watch list.
How did their name end up their? Nobody knows.
How can someone see if their name is on the list? You can’t until attempt to fly, or, if this bill is signed into law, you try to purchase a firearm.
Can you have your name removed? Nope.
It basically comes down to this: Your right to purchase a firearm will be immediately suspended because somebody in Washington D.C. thinks you shouldn’t have one.
Under HR 5611, the Federal Government would have three days to convince a court, in a secret proceeding where the “suspected terrorist” would not be present or allowed to defend themselves, that there is probable cause that the individual is likely to commit an act of terrorism or is prohibited.
And just like that, the court can deny the right of the individual to purchase a firearm.
No discovery process. No appeals process.
Just the 2nd Amendment erased on a per person basis.
If you feel that this is totally wrong, sign our petition to Congress and then make sure you call your Congressional representatives
Calls can be made to the U.S. Capitol switchboard so you can be transferred to your appropriate Representative or Senators: (202)224-3121
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