Some politicians still have backbones.
Via the Washington Post:
Over the weekend, residents of Shawnee, Kan., gathered for the annual parade celebrating their city’s heritage.
People in lawn chairs peppered the sidewalks. Children sat on the curb, their eyes glued to the colorful floats and decorated cars inching down the street. A giant American flag suspended over the parade route flapped in the breeze.
Then an eye-catching vehicle rolled past the crowd. Reactions were mixed.
It was a Jeep painted like an American flag with a replica of what appeared to be a .50-caliber machine gun attached to the back, according to the Kansas City Star. Riding in it was Kansas Secretary of State and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach, grinning and waving to onlookers.
“Had a blast riding in the Old Shawnee Days Parade in this souped up jeep with a replica gun,” Kobach tweeted after the parade. “Those who want to restrict the right to keep and bear arms are deeply misguided. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
Read more here.
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