We better make heroin illegal. Wait... what??? It’s already illegal???
Via the Washington Post:
Opioid deaths continued to surge in 2015, surpassing 30,000 for the first time in recent history, according to CDC data released Thursday...
Heroin deaths spiked too, rising by more than 2,000 cases. For the first time since at least the late 1990s, there were more deaths due to heroin than to traditional opioid painkillers, like hydrocodone and oxycodone...
In a grim milestone, more people died from heroin-related causes than from gun homicides in 2015. As recently as 2007, gun homicides outnumbered heroin deaths by more than 5 to 1.
These increases come amid a year-over-year increase in mortality across the board, resulting in the first decline in American life expectancy since 1993.
Read more here.
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