FPC Daily 2A Legal Update 5/26/21

Roberts v. Connors

Issue: Hawaii stun gun ban

Court: District of Hawaii

Action: Opposition to plaintiff's motion to lift stay, Reply in support of motion to lift stay

Summary: In a lawsuit we're watching that challenges Hawaii's ban on stun guns, the state filed its opposition to a motion that asks the court to lift the stay that was imposed in this case. In addition, the plaintiffs filed a reply in support of their motion to lift the stay.

Greco v. Grewal

Issue: New Jersey red flag law

Court: Third Circuit

Action: Brief of Defendants-Appellees

Summary: New Jersey filed its response brief in a lawsuit we're watching that challenges the state's red flag law.

Washington v. Dept of State

Issue: 3D printed guns/files

Court: Ninth Circuit

Action: Order to issue mandate

Summary: In a lawsuit we're watching that was brought by numerous states and involves 3D-printed guns/files (and which the states recently lost), the Ninth Circuit directed that the mandate be issued, which allows the opinion to go into effect.

Defense Distributed v. Dept of State

Issue: 3D printed guns/files

Court: Western District of Texas

Action: Suggestion of mootness

Summary: In response to the mandate in Washington v. Dept of State being issued, the State Department defendants in Defense Distributed's Texas lawsuit filed a document suggesting that the case against them is now moot, saying "as a result of this mandate, the State Department no longer regulates the export of technical data related to producing certain 3-D printed firearms or components."